Tuesday, April 26, 2011


A friend of mine posted this on her blog ( http://bringmebackakangaroo.blogspot.com ). I thought it was quite wonderful, so I am reposting it here. Somehow the rhythm is easier for me to hear in this- kinda like beat poetry. I don't know of the poet, so it might be, for all I know.

What I Know
by Lee Robinson

What I know for sure is less and less:
that a hot bath won't cure loneliness.

That bacon is the best bad thing to chew
and what you love may kill you.

The odd connection between perfection
and foolishness, like the pelican
diving for his fish.

How silly sex is.
How, having it, we glimpse
our holiness.

What I know is less and less.
What I want is more and more:

you against me—
your ferocious tenderness—

love like a star,
once small and far,
now huge, now near. 

There's a lot of truth and beauty to be found in something so honest and unassuming, I think. 

... and recently I decided to try my hand at actual poetry- like... without music or anything. This is my first attempt- somewhere between poetry and straight up advice. It might not be the greatest, but... fuck it. I had something to say. Sharing and all that. Ahem:

When you are cut
You will heal
If you allow 

Do not tear at your cuts
Hoping someone will see
That you are lame
And love you for it

Their blood will run with yours

Do not hide your cuts
Under dirt and coarse cloth, afraid
To be seen and painted weak
Your infection will spread

And you will be weak indeed

Let wounds heal
Carry your scars

All will see
And love you for it

For while wounds seem to speak
Of pain
Of weakness
Of failure

Scars only care to say
I was here
I lived
I am strong

                    That's it for now... 
                               -Mojoe, out!

Oops... I almost forgot to leave you a song. This chick is now one of my favorite vocalists... Smooth as silk, baby... but soulful too. She's helping get me through the blues I've had for a few days.

Gaby Moreno- Little Sorrow

1 comment:

  1. Nice vocals!
    Love the wounded healer poem too. Next book in my lineup is The Wounded Storyteller. Just what you say here.
