Well, it finally happened. I hopped on that big blogging bandwagon after years of contemptuous rejection. Hell didn't freeze over (that I know of), but I heard it snowed in Vegas, so... close enough. I think I may have told some of my friends to shoot me if I ever started blogging, but luckily most of those friends are no longer in touch. Luckily, the ones that remain are something less than proficient with firearms.
Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce my blog. Lord knows how frequently I will post to it, or who the hell is going to read it when I do, but I'd like to cover a couple of foundational points here for... whatever the future holds.
- Who am I?
I have a hard time believing that anyone who doesn't already know who I am is going to be reading, but just in case... My name is Joseph ("Mojoe") Carlisle. Born (almost) 21 years ago, 4th of 4 kids. I grew up in the middle of nowhere, doing... not much of interest. When I was 15 I moved out of Miami, NM (pop. 100) and into Albuquerque, NM, where I continued to do... not much.
At 17, after a half dozen application SNAFUs, I wound up going to college right here at UNM- cynically referred to as "University Near Mom" by its disenchanted student body. There I pursued a theatre degree for the better part of 3 years, under the mistaken impression that this would serve to move me toward my then-current goal of becoming a film actor. Eventually I realized the error of that assumption. By that time my interest in acting had given way to my growing interest in music, anyway. So I transferred to the University Studies department- possibly the only baccalaureate more worthless than a theatre degree.
After one semester I realized that it wasn't just the theatre department. Looking back at the last 3 1/2 years of my life- mediocre scholastic performance, very few meaningful friendships, and overall discontent- I realized that Academia in general has very little to teach that I want to learn. In fact, the constant homework load and attendance schedule were effectively preventing me from devoting any appreciable time to ANYTHING I actually cared about. This eternal academic precedence forced massive compromise on all the other important facets of my life. These included my career (I never DID get a for-real acting gig... I was too busy with school), personal interests (initially just video games, then primarily music and philosophy/spirituality as I matured), and relationships (a couple romances and friendships that were ended, in part, due to the cruelly forced choice between A. personal care and B. maintenance of relationships).
So, here I am. Currently "taking a semester off" to take stock of my life. The quotation marks signify my distaste for the concept of returning. I am trying like hell to find a way clear of once again throwing everything I care about by the wayside in pursuit of a worthless certificate, for no other reason than society's dictation.
My father is generously subsidizing my early-adulthood crisis. I am supplementing this support with a part time job, slinging sandwiches and coffee under the escalators at the mall. So for now, I'm living in relative comfort. I am using this time to learn the things I'm ACTUALLY interested in. These consist primarily of music and personal (spiritual) development. It's going pretty well, all things considered. I may be able to set myself free someday soon. Keep your fingers crossed.
-Why the blog?
I don't know. God's honest truth. I kinda like writing. I'm decent at it, but I can't write fiction for shit, and I have no real interest in writing nonfiction for publication. I used to view blogging as self- involved and masturbatory, but lately too many people I respect deeply have adopted the habit. I've been forced to reevaluate my views. It turns out that when people have the chance to edit and organize their thoughts in writing, they have the chance to coherently express their thoughts and feelings. This in turn affords one the opportunity to delve further into the human condition, a subject which has been of interest to me for sometime now. Turns out I actually LIKE hearing what people have to say about themselves. As long as it has a little substance.
- Chasing Blackbirds?
As I mentioned, I am spending most of my time pursuing both spiritual and artistic growth. These are more or less synonymous, as Art is (in my opinion) the physical expression of the soul and spirit. Through a series of personal experiences, the redwing blackbird has become my own personal symbol of the soul- my soul, to be exact.
This blog will be concerned, in myriad ways, with my life's pursuits. Since my life's pursuits are all involved with the discovery and expression of soul (with mine primarily, but also with helping you to find and express yours), the unifying concept of this blog is the pursuit of the soul.
Of chasing blackbirds, if you will.
-What's in it?
Everything I can think of. Ideas I have, questions I think of, experiences I experience. Art I find and wish to share, things I create. Really... everything that means something to me. There was a time when I thought that would be self involved, but really... I just want to share. We're all in this life together. I find your experience interesting because it is different from mine, so I can only assume that some of you feel the same. I would like to take this moment, however, to remind you that sharing is not a one way street. If you feel at any point the urge to share something of your own, to help answer my questions, or to challenge my ideas, consider this an open invitation. I would love to hear from you- it's one of the reasons I'm doing this.
Well, that about sums up the welcoming bit. It's 4-something in the morning and I've once again stayed up past my bedtime, again sabotaging my ineffectual efforts to force myself into an early rising schedule in deference to my upcoming work-weekend. Ah, well... se la vie.
Before I leave you, I would like to begin the sharing. One of the things you'll find in spades here is music. Since I try to spend between 2 and 10 hours a day studying it (depending how you define "study") it is a huge part of my life. I will be sharing my favorite music, along with a few of my own compositions, pretty routinely. SO- enjoy three most excellent, beautifully melancholy singer/songwriter songs, perfect for insomniac late nights.
1. Gregory Alan Isakov- If I Go, I'm Goin'
2. Joshua Radin- Winter
3.State Radio-Keepsake
...Nobody seems to pay much attention to lyrics anymore. I encourage you to look them up- all these guys are excellent lyricists.
That's it!
'Till next Time!
great to see some writing...stories and songs