Hooray. It's 6 A.M. and I'm still awake.
Those who know me have probably heard me bitch about my insomnia before. Actually, it's not so much insomnia... I actually sleep very well once I get there- 9 hours at a go. It's really more like a total inability to regulate my sleep schedule. Again (and I am really going to stop bothering with this disclaimer soon, so take heed), I'm not intending to bitch. I have plenty of other forums for that, significantly less demanding to my time and energy. But most stories, most insights, and most anything else worth the time begins with a problem... or more accurately a challenge, as the wise folks say. Thus, too, do all my blogs begin. Apparently.
So. The upside. The upside is, while I'm busy lying around, trying to clear my mind for sleep (or at least meditate... which has the added benefit of making me sleepy if I do it wrong), all manner of fascinating ideas pop into my head. Now typically, on the other side of my eventual 9 hours and in the fading afternoon light (oh, God why me), these fascinating moments of insight and creativity wind up regarded as a sort of temporary insanity. The aspect of myself I am used to waking up to, that which is most associated with the mundanity (hooray, another word autocorrect doesn't know!) and apparent sanity of what we call everyday life, is not amused. This is how countless blogs, poems, songs and what have you, have wound up in the scrap heap instead of reaching your doubtless anxiously awaiting ears. And eyes.
But I'm beginning to notice that said rationalist-and-hyper-critical fellow is primarily associated with everything about life I don't really like (you know... the mundanity and all- is "hate" too strong a word?)... and I'm really beginning to question his sanity. He smacks of that slippery thing called ego...
Ultimately, insane or no, I haven't much better to do than spill my literary brain-babies across the virtual page and if you're here, odds are you have nothing better to do than read it. Them. You know what I mean...
So maybe it's time I stopped taking it all so seriously.
Oh gosh, look at that, I have begun to run on a bit again... with what was only supposed to be an introductory paragraph. I do believe I shall split this into two blogs, in the interest of brevity... which in turn is valued in the interest of maintaining my imaginary fan base.
Serialization, ho!