Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My lazy ass finally wrote another blog...

It's not an elegant title, but it's accurate. It's been awhile since I've been able to think of something to write about. Since returning from my trip to the reality of my unstable living situation, I've sort of taken a break from trying to solve the world's problems and instead tried to bear down and find a way out of the general life-related suckage that has been hanging over my head lately. Consequently, I've had little to write about besides that, and the  blog I wrote on that subject never saw the light of day due to excessive complainy-ness. So I'll try to do the personal update in a paragraph or two...

Long story short, I have no job (the old one sucked anyway), my financial support's running out at the end of the year, my "music career" has been stalled on the runway for quite some time now, my romantic life has been more of a whimsical concept than an actuality (probably a blessing...  I don't realistically have time or resources for that shit right now anyway) for about as long, and I'm mostly just trying to establish a means of living that doesn't feel like selling my soul. I suspect only other skilled artists know what I mean by that last, as the general population doesn't seem to understand exactly how much time and energy are required to maintain an art form (menial 9-5s are not conducive).

This isn't to say I haven't been enjoying myself at all. My last gig was wicked fun, I just invested some of my savings in a couple pair of sexy new pants to replace the ones that sprung knee-leaks (all part of my plan to attract a sexy sugarmama to fix my financial and romantical woes), and I also made a minor and well considered investment in a new condenser mic. This last has proven quite useful in the 6 hours I've had it, and you should actually be hearing some new recordings before long.

Anyway, I recently received a request for another music blog. So, being the kind hearted and obliging young man that I am, I have decided to make good on that. Get ready for some more delicious soulful music, in no particular order.

Playing for Change
...is a pun. And a really cool concept. Basically, some socially conscious individuals with music equipment went around and got street musicians (playing for change... get it?) from all over the world to overdub on various songs. I don't know much more than that 'cause I haven't really looked it up (lazy). I'm sure you can, though. Frankly, this is one of the coolest social/media related concepts I've seen... ever. I was reminded of it  'cus I just found a way to play Stand By Me on my guitar while I was fuckin' around today. Cool, huh? Here's some Bob for ya...

Some Black Keys you probably never heard
...Cause I hadn't before today. Apparently now that they're popular, people have been hunting down obscure B-sides and stuff from the earlier days. And there's a live show at Abbey Rd. that I somehow missed...  I love all the Black Keys' stuff, but damn I miss classic 'Keys. Safe to say finding this stuff made my day.

...Which reminds me
OK, so you know that channel full of awesome TBK i gave you back there? Well... I can nail down at least two awesome people you've probably never heard out of those covers.  First, Something On Your Mind is by Karen Dalton. She was not a recording artist (I doubt she really had any input into her final product frankly), so all her records sound kinda weird and hard to get used to. Here is the most accessible track of hers I've found (see? not a studio recording...). I also play a pretty decent rendition of this tune... if you come see me play sometime, you just might hear it.

Second, Goin' Down South is by a badass old bluesman by the name of R.L. Burnside. Burnside was by all accounts kind of an asshole, but a brilliant delta bluesman. The story about him that stands out most for me is about him going to jail for killing a guy (I think the dude banged his wife or something). Burnside's famous commentary on the situation was "I didn't mean to kill him. I just meant to shoot the motherfucker in the head... him dying was between him and God". Incidentally, Burnside spent less than a year in jail. The local plantation owner got him pardoned because he needed Burnside to help with the next harvest.


Remember when I told you about my plan to find a sexy sugar mama? Well learning this song is part of my plan...

All that R.L. and John Lee has me wanting to do some electrical type stuff (I'm thinking if I could pull together a sweet rhythmic electrical set it might broaden my gigging horizons too...). Too bad my electric guitar is a piece and my amp is roughly the size of a breadbox, huh? My artistic life could use a goodly infusion of cash, fo' sho'. And sex. Come ooooon, SUGAR MAMA!

... is a genre I'm enjoying more and more. I bet most of you didn't look him up last time I linked you (shame!), so here is your booster shot of Aloe Blacc

And I realized I never showed you any Eli 'Paperboy' Reed. Can't imagine why... white boy's got soul!


Nouvelle Vague is a french band. This is my favorite song of theirs (an original). It's a little bit of a diversion from their normal schtick. You know how a lot of punk bands do mainstream songs, but sped up and rougher? Well... Nouvelle Vague does it backwards! (Guns Of Brixton is originally a Clash song, I believe). 

Here's another cute french chick band- April March. You may know this tune in it's english version as the end credit song for Death Proof. I think it's more fun in french though.

Speaking of Death Proof
...here's another sweet oldie handpicked by Quentin Tarantino.  It's in the lap dance scene that's was cut from the theatrical version. Quentin picks some pretty sweet jams for his movies. hadn't listened to that last one in a long time.

As my blog goes on, I start to forget what music I put up already, and sometimes I miss it when I look back over my posts. My apologies (I think I already mentioned Burnside and Dalton after all...). But for the life of me, I can't find any Martina Topley Bird. Since she's one of my favorites I have a hard time believing I didn't put her up already, but... oh well. If you heard it before, listen again!  Here's my two favorites:

...and a bonus- the track that introduced me to her. I found it on a video game called Indigo Prophecy several years back, if you're interested.

Well, it's late (early), and Martina's making me snoozy, so there's your music selection for the night. Check back soon... hopefully there will be some of MY recordings 'fore long! 

                    Keep on keepin' on, people.

P.S. Shout out! Hi, Miela. Hope this keeps you busy over there in the land of 'roos and koalas for awhile...